Conference Videos

1. Experiences with Python in Classroom Teaching

1. Experiences with Python in Classroom Teaching
2. The FOSSEE Project - Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran
3. Open Steel Design and Graphics - Python based FOSS - Hashmi Sohel
4. Development of Student Web Portal Using Python Programming- Dr K Valarmathi
5. Solving Optimisation Problem Using PuLP/Python - Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran
6. Python Powered Scientific Instrumentation Tool - Jathin Bhagavathi
7. Python Applications - Dr Ajith Kumar
8. High Speed Real Time Biscuit Inspection System - Neethu N J
9. Real Time Scene Analytics Using Python - Sreeja S Nampoothri
10. Education through ICT - Prof. D B Phatak
11. Spoken Tutorial - Prof. Kannan Moudgalya
12. Closed Loop Control of DC Motor with expEYES with Python - Rakesh Hirur
13. Efficiency Model based on 3 Phase Induction Motor Using Python - Melvin Chelli
14. Probabilistic Graphical Models using pgmpy - Ankur Ankan
15. PyPy and the Scientific Stack - Romain Guillebert
16. Inauguration - Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran
17. Build/Deploy Python Applications - Ramakrishna Reddy
18. Shogun Machine Learning - Abhinash Panda
19. Exploring Real World Data with SciPy Stack - Chinmay Kanchi
20. Basic NumPy and Matplotlib - Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran
21. Python Installation - Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran
22. Shogun Machine Learning - Abhinash Panda